Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006

mother and daughter.
edith seems to be awake more these days, aware of more things
around her. she grips fingers, likes looking out the window in the car,
loves her pouch/carrier. still sleeping well at night, yeah!! this is my last
week at home then back to work, no!! these days together have been so
special with my girls and blue cotton.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Monday, January 16, 2006

murdock has been out and about greeting vistors, which is unusual for such an aloof cat. monty still hides in the closet whenever the doorbell rings.
we are waking up around 10:30... edie likes to sleep as much as me. she likes to marathon feed then sleep for 4-5 hours at a time. her doctor said it was fine to let her sleep, so we are doing just that.
we've been going for walks everyday and taking afternoon family naps. hoping the bliss will last...
Friday, January 13, 2006

to celebrate her first week's birthday, we went to lunch at saul's with christina (her godmother). i get her all nice and drunk on milk and she sleeps in a sling while i eat. i'm proud to say i didn't spill any tuna melt on her today.
on wednesday, edie had her first doctors appointment. she grew 1/4 of an inch and when they weighed her, she was 1 ounce shy of her birth weight... usually they loose a lot of weight before they gain it back slowly. she's been gaining weight at rapid speed, probably because my boobs are her favorite thing in the whole world. she feeds an average of 16-19 times a day and poops an average of 5 times a day. ok, sorry, i know this is too much info for some of you... anyhow, her doctor gave her a gold star and said she didn't need to see her again until she was one month old. we are so proud.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

speaking of how long it took her to get into the world... 29 hours... followed by a c-section. broken down into play by play...
12 hours of contractions induced from pitocin - so they were very strong and close together, but managable when i could take a bath in the jacuzzi bath tub ever hour. after 12 hours, i was only 3 cm dilated. so we decided to take a rest from the pitocin so i could eat and start again in the morning, but then my water broke and there was meconium present, which means she had a poo. this is pretty common when being 2 weeks overdue, but could also be a sign of distress for the baby. so to be on the safe side, the doctor said we couldn't wait until morning, we needed to start the pitocin up again right away. since my water broke, it meant no more baths for me to ease the pain (for risk of infection). i couldn't face another 12 hours of pictocin with no bath, so i opted for the epidural, fell asleep and in the morning, i was 10 cm dileted and ready to push.
started pushing and 3-1/2 hours later the baby hadn't moved an inch. the doctor checked me and told me she was posterior, or sunnyside up. he said he could push her back in and turn her around and i could start pushing again, but there was no guarentee it would be quick. his exact words were... i don't think this is going to happen vaginally. exhausted and ready to meet edie, i agreed to a c-section. an hour later, they found an anesthesiologist who told me my epidural had come out, so he gave me a spinal... good thing he checked prior to starting the surgery.
sacha joined me during the c-section and when they opened me up, the doctor said... she's staring right at us. they picked her up and showed her to us, she was holding her hands to her chin, cooing and staring right at sacha and i. it was amazing, she had such a deep stare. she was amazing, so different from what i thought she would look like. i think she looks like a worm, but you can see for yourself.
we are so happy she is finally here. it took a while, but she was worth the wait.
we went for our first adventure today... to office depot - we got so much paperwork at the hospital that we needed to start a filing system for her. after that, we had our first restaurant dining experience - she was good as gold.

Friday, January 06, 2006
Edith K Barbazette Galvagna
born January 06th 2006 at 11:44am.
8 pounds 9 ounces
20-3/4 inches long
healthy, happy and beautiful.
pictures and labor details to follow in a couple days...
we love her!